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Successful Ageing

You’ve heard all the cliches about ageing.  You know the ones – when you get older you’ll be frail and helpless, grumpy and depressed, alone and lonely. Of course those cliches are rarely true!  Older people have well established and enjoyable social and family contacts, and in general have even less depressive or anxious symptoms […]

Stress Management Is A Personal Responsibility

Most people have similar goals in life such as health, prosperity, sound career prospects, rewarding personal and family relationships, leisure pursuits, religious or spiritual experiences. The way in which these goals are approached differs with each individual, but the principles are much the same. An effective individual, relaxed and enjoying the pursuit of these goals, […]

Understanding Cross Cultural Relationships

Australia is one of the most multi-cultural countries in the world, with people from over 200 countries calling it home, and sharing their language and cultural practices with indigenous Australians, and the descendants of the first settlers from the British Isles and later Europe. It is therefore inevitable, given the extraordinary diversity of this cultural […]

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