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How Do I Rebuild My Self-Esteem After Being Bullied?

Self Compassion – Acceptance of All of Yourself

by Dr Sam (Wee Hong) Tan, Clinical Psychologist Brisbane “If you have no compassion for yourself then you are not able of developing compassion for others.” – Dalai Lama It was 1990 in Dharmasala, at the Mind and Life Conference when Dr Sharon Salzberg (known for her work on Loving Kindness) asked the Dalai Lama about […]

What are the four types of Bullying?

Bullying is a common and frequent problem in schools and amongst children of all ages. Typically, bullying has referred to physical aggression and verbal taunting from one child to another. The ‘victim’ is often pushed around and physically hurt along with being teased and taunted by a seemingly stronger child. However, bullying has evolved to […]

When anger consumes your life and how to get it under control

LIs your temper getting you into physically violent situations and trouble with the authorities? Are work relationships deteriorating and your performance suffering from your anger? Are you feeling like you can’t control your temper? Maybe even avoiding people or situations because you know you’ll lose control? Do your family, colleagues or partner walk around on […]

Why am I mad all the time and what can I do to control it?

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions and in many cases it is a perfectly healthy and progressive emotion. Everyone feels angry at one time or another.  Feeling angry is a good sign that something is happening that is not right or feels unjust. Anger kicks your defence system into action and allows […]

The Many Faces of Anger

Mad. Angry. Pissed off. Livid. Frustrated. Fuming. Boiling. Agro. Furious. Cross. Outraged. And so the list goes. All of these words often refer to the same emotion – anger. Sometimes people don’t even realise they are angry because other feelings are stronger – depression, hurt, fear. Physical symptoms may include tight muscles, headaches, elevated blood […]

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