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Online Counselling

Online Counselling Australia

Seeing a psychologist is now more accessible than ever, with online therapy solutions. You can now connect with the CFHP team from anywhere in Australia, with our online counselling services. Simply book an appointment at a time that best suits you, and engage with a professional, compassionate, and trustworthy psychologist from the comfort of your own home.

We understand that it’s not always easy to fit in an in-office a psychology session around a busy schedule. Particularly after pandemic and COVID-19, online sessions have become more popular over the recent years.  Everyone deserves access to the right mental health support, regardless of where you’re located. If you’re struggling with something and could benefit from speaking to a professional, CFHP can offer that safe space with our online counsellors.

We provide counselling online

Online Therapy Sessions with CFHP

Our online psychologists and therapists are available to help everyone and anyone who may be seeking support. Whether you’re in a relationship and would like to discuss relationship conflicts, you’re moving through a life transition, you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, or you’d like to resolve some interpersonal issues – we’re here to help.

In many cases, it can be hard to open and talk to those around you when you might be struggling with emotions and feelings. Not only does counselling offer a safe space for you to discuss these concerns in a non-judgemental space, but online therapy also allows you to go through this process within the comforts of your own home.

Online counselling is particularly beneficial for those who live in rural or remote communities who may not have access to psychology services. Other common participants include those who have limited mobility, maintain a busy schedule, or are not able to visit a psychologist during work hours.

The Benefits of Online Counselling

We all use the internet every day – it has been ingrained in our day to day lives. The beauty of online sessions is convenience of being able to rely solely on an internet connection to access a psychologist.


Online psychology means that you’ll be able to book your appointment at a time that is best suited to you and your lifestyle. It can often be hard to get an appointment in-office around a busy schedule, so an online appointment will allow you to choose a time that will work around you.


Online counselling offers privacy and confidentiality. CFHP’s psychologist prioritise providing completely confidential sessions, whether it’s conducted on or offline. The beauty of online counselling is that you don’t need to travel or sit in a waiting room – you’ll be connected from wherever you’re located via Zoom.

Easy Access

Online psychology sessions will allow you to attend regular sessions with a counsellor without having to visit an office or clinic. This makes online therapy a suitable option for those who may find it challenging to travel to consultations — for example, those with disabilities, severe anxiety, and those living in remote areas.


It goes without saying that people are naturally going to be more comfortable within their own home, than in a clinic or office. Therapy can be intimidating – conducting an online counselling session from home can make it easier to open up, be vulnerable, and share your fears or concerns in a familiar and comfortable environment.

Online counselling sessions make seeing a psychologist easier than ever before. Regardless of where you’re located or what your schedule looks like, you can now book in an appointment with a professional psychologist online with CFHP.

How to Get Started With an Online Counsellor

Getting started with one of our online therapists is as simple as:

1. Schedule your online appointment with our reception staff in the same way as a traditional appointment.
2. On the day of the appointment, make payment over the phone using a credit card.
3. Once a session has been initiated, you’ll interact with your online therapist via live video for 45 – 60 min.

Our team of psychologists

Speak with us

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    Getting started with a therapist doesn’t have to be complicated. If you would like to enquire about online therapy, get in touch with our friendly team and we’ll walk you through the process of finding the right psychologist for you.

    How Our Online Psychologists Can Help

    An online therapy session doesn’t have to be any different to an in-office visit. Our psychologists provide the same valuable knowledge, just in a different setting. You can book an online session for:

    Addiction counselling

    Family counselling

    Depression & anxiety counselling

    Anger management

    Self-esteem & confidence

    Stress management

    Grief counselling

    Eating disorder counselling

    Frequently Asked Questions for Online Counselling

    Is online counselling as effective as in-person sessions?

    Yes – there are multiple studies that consistently showcase the value and effectiveness of online counselling for mental conditions such as depression and anxiety. 

    Just like in face-to-face sessions, online therapy with a professional psychologist will involve establishing a trusted and comfortable environment where you can freely voice out your concerns and challenges. 

    How long will a typical online counselling session be?

    Our online counselling sessions will take between 45-60 minutes. To ensure that you get the most out of these sessions, our counsellors recommend that you allocate this time to focus on the session and keep yourself free from distractions or other commitments. We understand that not every home environment may be ideal, and we can work with you to provide suggestions for creating a focused space for your online counselling sessions.

    Do I have to turn on my video camera for online counselling?

    No, it’s not a requirement for you to keep your video on for all counselling sessions. We typically encourage all of our clients to keep your video on but ultimately, it is up to you and how comfortable you feel during your online counselling sessions. 

    Our counsellors make use of your video feed to detect nonverbal cues that can help in fine-tuning your treatment and therapy. That being said, we value your privacy and level of comfort, and respect your decision should you choose to turn your video off. 

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