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My partner cheated, how do we move on?

Telling the Extended Family and Friends about your Transgender Child

The following is an excerpt from Irwin Krieger’s book ‘Helping Your Transgender Teen – A Guide for Parents’. “Telling the extended family and friends of the family is a stressful experience for most parents of transsexual teens. Fear of rejection and criticism, or fear of causing unmanageable distress for older family members is common. Many […]

The Many Faces of Anger

Mad. Angry. Pissed off. Livid. Frustrated. Fuming. Boiling. Agro. Furious. Cross. Outraged. And so the list goes. All of these words often refer to the same emotion – anger. Sometimes people don’t even realise they are angry because other feelings are stronger – depression, hurt, fear. Physical symptoms may include tight muscles, headaches, elevated blood […]

Five Love Languages – Part 2 of 2

The previous post introduced the first two love languages – words of affirmation and quality time. Now, let’s consider the other three languages. The third love language that Chapman identifies is receiving gifts. A partner whose primary love language is receiving gifts feels loved when her partner regularly gives her love through gifts. The gifts […]

How to stay confident when your family doesn’t accept you for who you are

Now, more than ever, young people are coming out to their parents as early as the age of 14. When families are supportive and accepting, this can be an enormously beneficial experience to the person coming out.  Family support increases self-esteem and often helps prevent or minimize feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts and risky behaviours. […]

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