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Common Relationship Problems

Modern couples can enter into relationships / matrimony without grasping the true meaning and demands required to make it work. When dreams meet actual harsh reality, conflicts are bound to occur. These conflicts and disagreements are camouflaged by social feelings of love, trust, arrival of a baby, change of job or house. A couple prefers […]

More Work Needed on Women’s Emotional Well Being

In comparison to other times in Western history, modern women have more life style choices and personal freedom than ever, yet it appears that those choices and freedoms have come at a price. While pre-20th century women certainly had issues to deal with and obstacles to overcome, their role in society, while quite restricted, was […]

Coming Out

Being gay, lesbian or bisexual can be seen on a continuum from exclusive same sex attraction to exclusive opposite sex attraction. If someone is a gay male or lesbian, they can have an intimate sexual and emotional relationship with a person the same sex.  Those who have attempted to change their orientation to become heterosexual […]

Controlling Anger

Anger is a healthy and very normal emotion. We all feel anger from time to time and it is an emotion that lets us know that we perceive something as ‘not right’. In some ways it is a self-preserving emotion and sets the start on the fight or flight response when necessary. In some cases, […]

Am I transgender?

This is an important question that does not always have a quick answer. Transgender refers to someone who is uncomfortable with their assigned gender; i.e. was born female, but feels very uncomfortable with being a women. Remember that gender is the expression of a particular sex so being a woman and feminine is the expected […]

What are the types of abuse?

When we think of abuse we normally think physical or sexual abuse. Most people are familiar with, or have at least heard of domestic abuse and sexual abuse, but these are not the only types of abuse that exist. Most abuse will start with verbal, mental and emotional abuse and escalate its way up to […]

Anxiety and dating ?

Anxiety can be an all-consuming state that seems to interrupt daily functioning. People struggling with anxiety attacks will experience a range of symptoms including shortness of breath, racing heart, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and general “butterflies in the tummy”. Sometimes this ‘attack’ can cause stuttering and cloudy thinking that also interrupts general functioning. It […]

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