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What to do after a traumatic event and how it can affect relationships.

What to do after a traumatic event and how it can affect relationships.

A traumatic event often leaves people feeling shaken and unstable. The traumatic response and surge of adrenaline results in people becoming anxious and hypervigilant, feeling agitated or irritable, tearful and experiencing mood swings. Traumatised individuals can also become withdrawn and isolate themselves, feel as if they are different from everyone else and struggle to function […]

Why am I mad all the time and what can I do to control it?

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions and in many cases it is a perfectly healthy and progressive emotion. Everyone feels angry at one time or another.  Feeling angry is a good sign that something is happening that is not right or feels unjust. Anger kicks your defence system into action and allows […]

Telling the Extended Family and Friends about your Transgender Child

The following is an excerpt from Irwin Krieger’s book ‘Helping Your Transgender Teen – A Guide for Parents’. “Telling the extended family and friends of the family is a stressful experience for most parents of transsexual teens. Fear of rejection and criticism, or fear of causing unmanageable distress for older family members is common. Many […]

The Many Faces of Anger

Mad. Angry. Pissed off. Livid. Frustrated. Fuming. Boiling. Agro. Furious. Cross. Outraged. And so the list goes. All of these words often refer to the same emotion – anger. Sometimes people don’t even realise they are angry because other feelings are stronger – depression, hurt, fear. Physical symptoms may include tight muscles, headaches, elevated blood […]

Five Love Languages – Part 2 of 2

The previous post introduced the first two love languages – words of affirmation and quality time. Now, let’s consider the other three languages. The third love language that Chapman identifies is receiving gifts. A partner whose primary love language is receiving gifts feels loved when her partner regularly gives her love through gifts. The gifts […]

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