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Stress and how to deal with it

More Work Needed on Women’s Emotional Well Being

In comparison to other times in Western history, modern women have more life style choices and personal freedom than ever, yet it appears that those choices and freedoms have come at a price. While pre-20th century women certainly had issues to deal with and obstacles to overcome, their role in society, while quite restricted, was […]

Stress Management Is A Personal Responsibility

Most people have similar goals in life such as health, prosperity, sound career prospects, rewarding personal and family relationships, leisure pursuits, religious or spiritual experiences. The way in which these goals are approached differs with each individual, but the principles are much the same. An effective individual, relaxed and enjoying the pursuit of these goals, […]

Hiding behind the mask: Are you using “positive thinking”, “happiness” and “success” to avoid real problems?

We have been bombarded with a social climate of ‘positive thinking’ to reach ‘happiness’ and ‘success’. There are a variety of self-help books that are aimed at teaching you how to think positively, find happiness and achieve success. While many of these books are tremendously helpful and certainly do have their merits, one has to […]

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