ADHD Assessment Brisbane
ADHD is a common condition in Australia — according to the Australian ADHD Professionals Association, an estimated 3 – 5% of Australian adults experience the symptoms commonly associated with ADHD including persistent inattention, poor executive function, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity.
ADHD is a chronic condition that affects individuals’ ability to focus and attention, resulting in hyperactive and impulsive behaviour. In most cases, ADHD surfaces during childhood and carries on into adulthood if left undetected or untreated. Persistent or severe cases of ADHD can become a major source of frustration in adults and contribute to other issues such as low self-esteem and difficulty in school, work, and relationships.
At CFHP, we offer comprehensive assessments for ADHD from our Brisbane psychology clinic. Our aim is to help to identify and diagnose ADHD, to help individuals understand the appropriate recommended level of support and treatment.
Getting an ADHD Diagnosis With CFHP
Initial consultation
An assessment starts with booking an initial consultation. In this consultation, an ADHD psychologist will facilitate a discussion about the symptoms affecting the individual to form a basis for the assessment. Medical referrals are not required to undergo an ADHD assessment appointment but having a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from a GP will entitle individuals to a Medicare rebate on some sessions.
Assessment sessions
Following the initial consultation, our team will arrange for a series of testing sessions for the ADHD assessment process. Individuals can expect to attend at least three one-hour appointments, in which simple tests will be applied. Based on the testing sessions, further sessions may be required to obtain an accurate diagnosis.
Report and diagnosis
Our ADHD psychologists will analyse the results from testing sessions to produce a diagnostic report that includes a diagnosis of whether individuals have ADHD. The results of this report will be discussed in detail with the psychologist to help individuals understand the type of support they need.
Support and treatment
Individuals who have been diagnosed with ADHD can receive continued support with CFHP’s ADHD counselling services. These regular psychology sessions will provide tailored strategies and coping mechanisms for daily life and in the workplace.
Our ADHD Psychologists
Dr. Atholl Murray
Dr Delaney Skerrett
Lisa Kunde
Chaminga Dhanapala
How do I know if I need an ADHD assessment?
You should consider undergoing an ADHD assessment if you experience:
Difficulty maintaining concentration
If you find it difficult to focus on a single task, whether at work or in personal activities, or are easily distracted by thoughts or things around you, it may be worthwhile undergoing an assessment.
Frequent fidgeting or a compulsion to talk excessively may be a sign of ADHD. This can include difficulty in sitting still and staying quiet or finding it challenging to relax.
A common symptom of ADHD is a tendency to act without thinking about the consequences. If you find yourself often exhibiting dangerous behaviour like substance abuse or reckless driving, it may be important to undergo an ADHD assessment.
Frequently forgetting detail
You often find it difficult to remember details, especially when faced with a singular task, such as forgetting about appointments and misplacing your personal items like keys.
Poor organisation or personal management
Individuals with ADHD may struggle to manage their time effectively. For instance, they may be late systemically and underestimate the time required to complete tasks.