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Rise of ‘silver singles’ after hike in divorce rates in 70s put them off marriage

I read an article about the falling divorce rates. It also points out decreased divorce rates in certain older demographics.

It was thought the in previous decades the divorce rates had soared to leave couples thinking what is the point. Below is the article you can have a read for your self. Some highlights are as follows :

“Analysis of ONS figures for the Sunday Telegraph show that the number of people in their fifties who have never been married or in a civil partnership, and who do not cohabit has almost doubled since 2002, from 377,180 to 724,439.

While the overall number of people who have never married or been in a civil partnership has increased slightly from 20,092,604 in 2002 to 22,678,798 in 2015, the increase has been significant for those in their late forties, fifties and sixties.”


What the study does not take into account is:

That’s when society used to pressures couples to get married but  they may not be ready for it. They may not  really want to do that and eventually when they mature. the chances that they will divorce has to contribute to the increased divorce rate. Although there are more singles the divorce rate is going down for those that do get married. I take from this they really work it  and stay together.

Also not considered are gay and lesbians are not made to feel they have to get married and hide in these relationship. Significant gains have been made over the decades. It seems it could be a bit more than coincidence that as society comes to accepting LGBTIQ persons and the need to hide goes down. Consequently the divorce rate drops.

Gay marriage continues to gain acceptability and legal recognition in many countries. With time we will be able to look for the effects. Lets hope they take it seriously and have happy and healthy relationships.

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