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How To Find Your Motivation After Redundancy

Redundancy can have a devastating impact on a person’s life.

Apart from the financial burdens associated with unemployment, it can also have long lasting effects on a person’s self-esteem.

If left unaddressed, this can lead to a spiral of self-doubt and depression that can leave a person unable to cope with simple day to day tasks.

Finding the motivation to move forward after being made redundant is the key to finding alternative employment and returning to life as normal. A number of motivation theories state that our need for achievement is influenced by a combination of internal and environmental factors. In the case of a redundancy, internal factors like lowered self-esteem and external factors like societal expectations may impact upon a person’s ability to stay motivated.

The key to staying motivated after redundancy is in addressing these internal and external factors:

  1. Accept that it wasn’t your faultMany people who are made redundant attribute blame to something they’ve said or done. This only contributes to feelings of self-doubt and further decreases motivation to find alternative employment. The fact is that in many cases, redundancies are simply a casualty of the company’s economic circumstances or a government department that is being cut and has nothing to do with the individual. In order to move forward and regain motivation, you must first accept that being made redundant was not your fault.
  2. Get organisedOnce your redundancy payment has been sorted and you’ve served out your final day, it’s important that you formulate some kind of plan for what you’re going to do next. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be handing out CVs on the day you leave. Take some time to recharge your battery, but make sure you have a plan to keep you looking ahead and motivated.
  3. Stay pro activeApproach a redundancy as the start of a new beginning, rather than simply an end. Plan out your days so you’re completing job applications in the morning and staying physically active in the afternoon. This may be as simple as going for a jog or doing a spot of gardening. Keeping your body and mind active is the key to finding the strength to stay motivated and to keep going after a redundancy.
  4. NetworkUse your contacts to find new job opportunities. Even if you’re considering a career change, make a list of useful contacts you have gained over the years and ask them if they can set up any introductions. Recruitment agencies are also a good form of networking. They can also help you to review your CV, discuss possible career changes, organise training opportunities and offer helpful redundancy advice.
  5. Seek supportNo matter how proactive and busy you remain, you’re still likely to experience a number of emotions after being made redundant. It’s important you seek emotional support from your family and friends to help you through the toughest times. Another useful support is  professional counselling.  It may be the key to regaining your motivation after a redundancy.  Experienced councillors can help you develop strategies to move forward with life after a redundancy.
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