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What are the types of abuse?

What are the types of abuse?

When we think of abuse we normally think physical or sexual abuse. Most people are familiar with, or have at least heard of domestic abuse and sexual abuse, but these are not the only types of abuse that exist. Most abuse will start with verbal, mental and emotional abuse and escalate its way up to […]

Anxiety and dating ?

Anxiety can be an all-consuming state that seems to interrupt daily functioning. People struggling with anxiety attacks will experience a range of symptoms including shortness of breath, racing heart, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and general “butterflies in the tummy”. Sometimes this ‘attack’ can cause stuttering and cloudy thinking that also interrupts general functioning. It […]

Successful Ageing

You’ve heard all the cliches about ageing.  You know the ones – when you get older you’ll be frail and helpless, grumpy and depressed, alone and lonely. Of course those cliches are rarely true!  Older people have well established and enjoyable social and family contacts, and in general have even less depressive or anxious symptoms […]

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