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Being bitter in the LGBTIQ Community

Coming Out

Being gay, lesbian or bisexual can be seen on a continuum from exclusive same sex attraction to exclusive opposite sex attraction. If someone is a gay male or lesbian, they can have an intimate sexual and emotional relationship with a person the same sex.  Those who have attempted to change their orientation to become heterosexual […]

Am I transgender?

This is an important question that does not always have a quick answer. Transgender refers to someone who is uncomfortable with their assigned gender; i.e. was born female, but feels very uncomfortable with being a women. Remember that gender is the expression of a particular sex so being a woman and feminine is the expected […]

Anxiety and dating ?

Anxiety can be an all-consuming state that seems to interrupt daily functioning. People struggling with anxiety attacks will experience a range of symptoms including shortness of breath, racing heart, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and general “butterflies in the tummy”. Sometimes this ‘attack’ can cause stuttering and cloudy thinking that also interrupts general functioning. It […]

Better Gay Relationships

If you’re in a gay relationship and you are finding that you’re stuck in a negative pattern of relating, this could really help. Most people want a romantic relationship at some point in their lives, but sometimes find the relationship doesn’t seem to go as smoothly as they had hoped.  Sometimes couples find themselves stuck […]

LGBTIQ Suicide Prevention

LGBTI people have the highest rates of suicide when compared to any population. Studies indicated that 15.7% of lesbian, gay or bisexual and 20% of transsexual individuals report current suicidal thoughts (Rosenstreich, 2011). LGBTI people are more likely to experience discrimination, abuse, violence, social isolation and mental health issues. These issues can also increase their […]

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