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How To Reduce Stress At Work?

What is social anxiety and how to overcome it

Social anxiety disorder, formerly known as “social phobia” is a far more common problem than we actually realise. Next to generalised anxiety and depression, social anxiety is one of the biggest mental health problems faced by human beings. But just what is social anxiety? Everyone gets anxious in social situations from time to time, especially […]

When anger consumes your life and how to get it under control

LIs your temper getting you into physically violent situations and trouble with the authorities? Are work relationships deteriorating and your performance suffering from your anger? Are you feeling like you can’t control your temper? Maybe even avoiding people or situations because you know you’ll lose control? Do your family, colleagues or partner walk around on […]

Why am I mad all the time and what can I do to control it?

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions and in many cases it is a perfectly healthy and progressive emotion. Everyone feels angry at one time or another.  Feeling angry is a good sign that something is happening that is not right or feels unjust. Anger kicks your defence system into action and allows […]

How to grow your own – happiness, that is!

There are specific things we can do to personally influence how happy we are.  True, our genes play a role in how happy we are and so does our environment however, much of our happiness is created or not created by our daily habits and activities.  In fact, today’s psychology and brain research indicates that […]

More Work Needed on Women’s Emotional Well Being

In comparison to other times in Western history, modern women have more life style choices and personal freedom than ever, yet it appears that those choices and freedoms have come at a price. While pre-20th century women certainly had issues to deal with and obstacles to overcome, their role in society, while quite restricted, was […]

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