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Postpartum Depression (Baby Blues)

How to Improve Communication in Family Relationships

Many of the basic techniques for effective communication may be successfully applied in the home. Two of the key skills are listening and non-verbal communication. Teaching yourself and each of your family members how to build their listening and non-verbal communication skills is important for creating a strong foundation for successful communication in the family. […]

Why am I mad all the time and what can I do to control it?

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions and in many cases it is a perfectly healthy and progressive emotion. Everyone feels angry at one time or another.  Feeling angry is a good sign that something is happening that is not right or feels unjust. Anger kicks your defence system into action and allows […]

Telling the Extended Family and Friends about your Transgender Child

The following is an excerpt from Irwin Krieger’s book ‘Helping Your Transgender Teen – A Guide for Parents’. “Telling the extended family and friends of the family is a stressful experience for most parents of transsexual teens. Fear of rejection and criticism, or fear of causing unmanageable distress for older family members is common. Many […]

How to communicate with people who are in the cycle of addiction – breaking through the communication barriers

Many people dabble in drug use in our community and a smaller number of these people go on to develop serious problems with drugs and addiction. The problem of addiction has obvious health and psychological consequences for the user. Nevertheless, an often under recognised problem is the impact that drug users have on families and […]

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